Our CRO, Shannon Meadows, sits down with We Are Women to discuss tech, careers, and supporting women!
How do you decide what path is right for you? How do you overcome challenges in your career? Our CRO, Shannon Meadows, discussed just that and more with We Are Women for their Inspirational Woman series.
More and more women are getting college educated – more women than men. It will take this continued dynamic, time and women holding more wealth and power for things to change. In the meantime, women can support and mentor one another in the workforce.
You can click the link below to read the full interview.
To thank our team for their outstanding contributions and to encourage them to take time to rest, prioritize their well-being, and do what makes them happy, we want to give time back.
Trinity College’s iconic library has implemented BibliU's learning enablement platform to deliver digital access to essential educational materials.
ASPIRE has just ranked BibliU in joint-first position in its audit of the accessibility statements of more than 50 digital content management platforms.