LONDON and NEW YORK CITY (September 8, 2021) - Learning Enablement technology provider BibliU today announced its On-Demand Learning and Curated Learning solutions, which enable academic libraries to increase the scope, coverage, and convenience of their Textbook Reserve programs. Geared toward the unique needs of university libraries, BibliU’s solutions offer affordable access to a wide range of digital textbook titles, including many otherwise out-of-reach for libraries.
“A key part of the academic library’s mission is ensuring students have access to the learning content they need,” explained BibliU Co-Founder and CEO Dave Sherwood. “Textbook reserve programs aim to support this mission by giving students access to their required course textbooks at no cost via the library. However, Covid-19 uncovered major flaws in traditional reserve programs, which -- before the pandemic -- almost exclusively provided books in print format.”
With traditional reserve programs, student access to books is limited: students have to come in person to borrow books and typically are only allowed access to a book for a few hours at a time. As well, textbook titles are often not available: because publishers require a volume of sales to achieve profitability, they often do not find it financially viable to sell textbooks to libraries.
“Hybrid learning is the new normal, yet the unique needs of the library have prevented them from scaling their digital offerings,” said Sherwood. “In the early days of the pandemic, BibliU innovated a digital textbook reserves solution specifically for academic libraries. That has evolved to become our On Demand Learning and Curated Learning solutions.”
Read case studies about how North Shore Community College, Santa Fe Community College, and Allan Hancock College have transformed their textbook reserve programs with BibliU.
BibliU’s On Demand Learning solution allows libraries to provide students with access to a wide catalog of e-textbooks while only paying for the content students actually use. BibliU’s Curated Learning solution enables libraries to offer a curated collection of eTextbooks to students. For example, libraries can curate eTextbooks to meet the needs of a specific cohort of students. Both solutions are delivered via BibliU’s Learning Enablement platform, a suite of products that leverage content management, workflow automation and analytics to provide digital textbooks, monographs and courseware to students more cost-effectively and efficiently than ever before.
Sherwood commented, “Although quietly understated, libraries are pivotal in campus learning. Our Digital Textbook Reserves program can be tailored to their specific requirements as they serve the imperative of equity and inclusion across higher education.”
EdTech innovator BibliU is defining the future of higher education by democratizing content accessibility. Designed to address the unique requirements of students, faculty, libraries, and publishers, BibliU’s learning enablement solution features digital content management, workflow automation, and analytics. With BibliU, colleges and universities can finally deliver on the promise of digitalization, guaranteeing all students have first-day access to the learning content they need. More information is available at
More than a third of students (35%) said they couldn’t afford to buy their textbooks, while a further 32% could afford them but felt the purchase would be a waste of money.
More Than 150 Higher Education Institutions Rely on BibliU’s Learning Enablement Platform for Digital Content